The Future is Ours

Join our EU sponsored online and in-Person sponsored events on AutonomyVisibilityHealth and Equal Treatment.

EN Co-Funded by the EU_POS

About the Project

For the past two years, EU for Trisomy 21 has been working on organising a series of online and in person events to shed the lights on the essential elements of our mission that consists on raising awareness and standing up for the rights of people with #Trisomy21 in Europe and beyond.

The Future is Ours was an EU sponsored project consisting of three online and one in-Person event between September 2022 and July 2023. With the EU elections coming up in 2024, and many people with Down Syndrome being allowed to vote in them for the first time, we wanted to take our time to highlight the four goals of EU for Trisomy 21: Autonomy, Visibility, Health and Equal Treatment.

One event at a time, EU for Trisomy 21 made sure our EU wide Network is prepared for the upcoming elections - and even more important that the decision makers are prepared for us! We gave the floor to field experts, parents and decision makers, and most importantly to Self Advocates: People with Down Syndrome to shared their own stories and experiences. Through our events, our participants had the chance to meet, discuss and come up with concrete solutions in favour of making this world a better place for people with Down Syndrome.



A platform for the collaboration of associations, citizens and politicians working together for the celebration of World Down syndrome Day, to make visible the intellectual disability in general and persons with trisomy 21 in particular (most common intellectual disability of genetic origin, also called Down syndrome).

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