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About our first event

EU for Trisomy 21 will have the first

“The Future is Ours “-event

called: Time for more Autonomy.


Every European country has different laws.

Because of this,

not all people with disabilities

can achieve the same things.


So what does an autonomous life mean

for people with Down Syndrome?

It is hard to find a balance between

living by yourself

and needing assistance.


The person with Down Syndrome

needs to decide for themselves:

Kaj hočem?


The support system helps

with the question:

Kako naj to naredim?


This applies to everything,

from living situations and work,

to education.

And the question of how can I vote

and make a difference for people like me?


Our event in December wanted to make sure that

people with Down Syndrome

are prepared for the next elections.

And that the European Union is prepared for us!

We had over 400 participants in our event.

You can read about the event tukaj.

Autonomy 1
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© Evropski lahko berljiv logotip: Inclusion Europe

Zakaj je enostavno branje pomembno

Pomembne so lahko berljive informacije

za osebe z motnjami v duševnem razvoju.


Pomembno je, da lahko

- Naučite se novih stvari.

- Sodelujte v družbi.

- Spoznajte njihove pravice in se zavzemite zanje.

- Sami se odločijo.

Rabim pomoč? dvomi? več informacij?

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O Eufortrisomy21.eu

Platforma za sodelovanje združenj, državljanov in politikov, ki si skupaj prizadevajo za praznovanje svetovnega dneva Downovega sindroma, da bi postali vidni intelektualna okvara na splošno in zlasti osebe s trisomijo 21 (najpogostejša intelektualna okvara genetskega izvora, imenovana tudi Downov sindrom ).