online događaj
In 2023, we started our celebration by hosting an online event on the 16th of March with the title "Time for More Visibility" as part of our "The Future is Ours" project. This event featured self-advocate speakers from all over Europe, talking about how visibility alone could make a huge difference in breaking down (syndrome) stereotypes in people's minds. All of our speakers worked in inclusive restaurants or coffee shops and told us about their lives and the conversations they had with their customers.
Kava, čarape i
Downov sindrom WDSD23
Cluj, Rumunjska 21. ožujka
Iasi, Rumunjska 21. ožujkaIasi, Rumunjska
Domaćin događaja je ACIC Iași
18.03.2023.: 10-12h, Chez Les Amis (kafić) pojedinosti
20.03.2023.: 14-16 h, Cafeneaua Piața Unirii (kavana) pojedinosti
21.03.2023: 14-16h, CUIB caffe bar pojedinosti
23.03.2023: 14-16h, CUIB caffe bar pojedinosti
Bydgoszcz, Poljska 16. ožujkaBydgoszcz Poljska
- 16.03.2023 Wspólne uczestnictwo w wydarzeniu online „Czas na większą WIDOCZNOŚĆ” oraz spotkanie przy kawie ok. godz. 19.00 w "Domu Serca", - przy ul. Polna 2a, Bydgoszcz Stowarzyszenie Wspólnota Duchowa "Iskierki" | Bydgoszcz | Facebook
- 21.03.2023 godz. 10.00 Uroczystości Światowego Dnia Zespołu Downa z Dziecięcym Graffiti w Urzędzie Wojewódzkim przy ul. Jagielońskiej 3, Bydgoszcz Dziecięce Graffiti | Facebook
- 25.03.2023 MCK ul. Marcinkowskiego 12 Bydgoszcz ok. godz. 15.00, po zakonu spektaklu teatralnego BRO Teatr społeczny biuro rzeczy osobistych | Facebook
Bukurešt, Rumunjska 21. ožujka
Galați, Rumunjska 21. ožujkaGalați, Rumunjska
16.03.2023: 16h, Paris Cafe
Csodavár Development Center and Playhouse, u Budimpešti, Mađarska, 21. ožujka 2023Csodavár Development Center and Playhouse, u Budimpešti, Mađarska, 21. ožujka 2023
Grad Hamm, Njemačka 21. ožujkaGrad Hamm, Njemačka 21. ožujka
Grad Zossen, Njemačka 20. ožujkaGrad Zossen, Njemačka 20. ožujka
Grad Duisburg, Njemačka 21. ožujkaGrad Duisburg, Njemačka 21. ožujka
Prag, Češka 21. ožujkaPrag, češki
21.03.2023: Restoran Strukovne škole Vysehrad koji se nalazi na adresi Vratislavova 31/6, Prag 2, od 14 do 16 sati.
BečAustrijski parlament, Beč 21. ožujka
Udruga Down Syndrome u Valetti na Malti 21. ožujkaUdruga Down Syndrome u Valetti na Malti 21. ožujka
Train Inc. Café, Niolon u Francuskoj 21. ožujkaTrain Inc. Café, Marseille u Francuskoj 21. ožujka
Rescaldina u Italiji 20. ožujkaRescaldina u Italiji 20. ožujka
Europski parlament, Bruxelles, BelgijaEuropski parlament, Bruxelles, Belgija 21. ožujka
And then on the 20th and 21st of March, inclusive coffee shops and restaurants that had employees with Down Syndrome served coffee in places of political power such as the European Parliament, national governments, senates and parliaments, regional assemblies, and municipalities.
This gave decision-makers from all over the EU the opportunity to talk to people with Down Syndrome and learn to see things from their perspective. This was especially important that year as preparations were underway for the EU Parliament elections of 2024, where many people with Down Syndrome would be allowed to vote for the first time.
To make our celebration a success, EU for Trisomy 21 collaborated with local coffee houses that employed people with Down syndrome and vocational schools. We also worked with local, regional, national, and international politicians to ensure that this celebration reached as many people as possible.
People were already celebrating all around Europe (see on the map) - ovdje you can read a Press Release with the details.
Platforma za suradnju udruga, građana i političara koji rade zajedno na proslavi Svjetskog dana Downovog sindroma, kako bi se učinila vidljivim intelektualni invaliditet općenito, a posebno osobe s trisomijom 21 (najčešće intelektualno oštećenje genetskog porijekla, također nazvano Downovim sindromom) ).