Što je EU za Trisomiju 21?
A platform where groups, citizens, and politicians work together to celebrate World Down Syndrome Day. The goal is to raise awareness about intellectual disabilities, especially Trisomy 21 (also called Down Syndrome), which is the most common genetic intellectual disability.
We use simpler english in this description so that our message is clear and easy to understand for everyone, including people with intellectual disabilities.
EU for Trisomy 21 (EUFT21) is a group of organizations from all over Europe working to make life better for people with Down Syndrome (Trisomy 21).
We connect 53 partners in 23 EU countries to share ideas, work together, and speak with one voice to the European Union.
We want to help people with Trisomy 21 have more freedom, visibility, good health, and fair treatment. The European Union can make laws to improve areas like healthcare, jobs, education, and human rights, but support for people with intellectual disabilities is often too little or stays the same.
To make a change, EUFT21 works to:
- Stop discrimination and make sure people with Down Syndrome are treated fairly.
- Help people with disabilities learn skills and become more independent.
- Create chances for people with Down Syndrome to talk directly to EU leaders.
- Push for better laws and funding to support people with disabilities.
- Make sure the EU keeps its promises to protect disability rights.
Our activities include training workshops, skill-building programs, and talking with leaders in the European Parliament. We also help people with disabilities learn about their rights and take part in decisions that affect them.
Our work supports important EU plans, like the EU Strategy for the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (2021–2030), to make sure everyone has a voice and equal opportunities.
Što ima EU za Trisomiju 21 želite?
Želimo da potrebe osoba s intelektualnim teškoćama postanu prioritet na europskom dnevnom redu kako bi se zajamčila stvarna jednakost među građanima.
Osobe s invaliditetom nisu prisutne u političkom okruženju, nisu prisutne na tržištu rada niti u medijima. Ako osobe s invaliditetom nisu vidljive u društvu, nemoguće je stvoriti potrebne promjene.
Protudiskriminacijsko zakonodavstvo EU-a posljednjih je godina daleko napredovalo za različite manjinske skupine, osim za osobe s invaliditetom. Osobe s intelektualnim teškoćama trebaju neke posebne prilagodbe kako bi se osiguralo da ih ti zakoni i sudska praksa štite, i to ne samo u teoriji.

Europska unija mora djelovati u najboljem interesu osoba s intelektualnim teškoćama kako bi osigurala njihovo pravo na "visoku razinu zaštite ljudskog zdravlja" kako je utvrđeno Poveljom o temeljnim pravima Europske unije.
Kako bismo osobama s intelektualnim teškoćama zajamčili neovisnost i slobodu izbora, moramo promicati njihovu autonomiju. U tu svrhu EU mora poticati program medicinskih istraživanja s terapijskim ciljevima i uključivim inovativnim socijalnim projektima koji integriraju u društvo njihove različitosti.