Online conference – 8th of July 2021 – Improving the visibility of people with Down syndrome

24 June 2021





Improving the visibility of people with Down syndrome: an emergency for Europe. Why? How?

Improving the visibility of people with Down syndrome in Europe should be a major debate in the citizen’s consultation for the future of Europe.

Register here to participate in the EUfortrisomy21 online conference on the 8th of July at 6pm (Brussels time) and contribute to the online debates of the citizen consultation on the “Future of Europe” to improve the visibility of people with Down syndrome.

Languages : English, Spanish, French, German, German easy-language, Czech and Italian



Introduction : Mr. Brando Benifei (Member of the European Parliament – Italy )

Part 1 : Controversial cases of discrimination in Europe 

  • Dear Future Mom – Riccardo Bianchi – Coordown (IT)
  • Dear Future Mom (censorship and the case in front of the ECHR) – Lucie Pacherie – Fondation Jérôme Lejeune  (FR)
  • Arcadi Spada case (SP) and Richard Dawkins case – Raquel del Barrio (referent parent of EU for Trisomy 21 in Spain)

Part 2 : Why this speech of discrimination still exist in Europe?

  • Philosopher: Danielle Moyse (FR)
  • Tina Sander (association founder) : #NoNIPT campaign in Germany (GE)
  • Self-advocate : Natalie Dedreux – blogger and journalist (GE)

Part 3 : How to act to promote dignity and favour visibility of People with trisomy 21?

  • Self-advocate : Caterina Moretti (SP)
  • Video of Ms Dubravka Suica, Member of the European Commission chair of the conference for the Future of Europe

Questions and answers

Conclusion : Ms. Radka Maxova (Member of the European Parliament – Czech Republic)

The replay videos of our online conference are available on our YouTube channel.

EUfortrisomy21 is a community of parents of children with Down syndrome,
united to advance the rights of people with Down syndrome in 4 priority areas:
visibility, non-discrimination, health, autonomy

Contact :

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