21 March 2020
On March 21, even in the midst of the health crisis, we can honour World Down Syndrome Day with Members of the European Parliament and researchers
On the occasion of World Down Syndrome Day on March 21st, many events were planned inside the European Parliament, cancelled because of the Covid-19 health crisis.
Nevertheless, more than 100 Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) – willing to honour persons with Down syndrome on this special day – have signed a declaration affirming the dignity and the inalienable rights of our loved-ones with Down syndrome. All political groups are represented (GUE, S&D, Greens, Renew, EPP, ECR, ID and N-A).
European researchers, who were invited by MEPs to publicly present their works in the European Parliament, have written – alongside with other experts – an op-ed:
“Looking for Down syndrome treatment:
an inspiring scientific project which deserves EU’s political will”
It will be published in European newspapers on the occasion of World Down Syndrome Day. This article summarises the goals and the breakthroughs of therapeutic research: to reduce disability and to improve quality of life and independence of persons with Down syndrome. For more information concerning the scientific breakthroughs, three abstracts are available enclosed.
Let’s follow Europe for Trisomy 21 on social media.