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Representation for People with Down Syndrome in the European Union.

Raise up your voice in favor of Trisomy 21 in the European Union. Join our campaign to make Europe a great place for people with intellectual disabilities.

We believe the EU is failing people with Trisomy 21 by not taking their special needs into account when it comes to Visibility, Health, Autonomy, and Non-Discrimination. We need more people who have first hand experience with the concerns and needs of people with Down Syndrome to be personally involved in creating these policies. We want more representation! #WeWantMore

Do you agree? Show your support by joining our debate on the Conference for the Future of Europe Platform here: http://tiny.cc/WeWantMoreCOFEU

Sign up now to receive the latest Campaign materials, tipps for how to write a comment and how to join our campaign!

What is the Conference for the Future of Europe?


The EU has asked its citizens to help them by telling them what they would wish to be future policies for the European Union. 


Until March 2022 all EU citizens can propose new issues and interact with each other on the platform “Conference for the Future of Europe”.


You can join them too, by signing up on the website. It’s simple, you can even use your google account.

Why should we get involved in the COFEU?


In the EU there is not enough representation for people with intellectual disabilities.


For example there were no people with intellectual disabilities involved in writing the EU’s new “Strategy for the Rights of Persons with Disabilities 2021-2030”. They are hardly mentioned in the strategy at all.


Having no representation has had a terrible effect on people with intellectual and neurological disabilities, especially for the Down Syndrome community.


We need more people who know about the concerns and needs of these communities through personal experience to help the EU write these policies. We want more representation! 


 That is why we created the campaign #WeWantMore.


We, EU for Trisomy 21, have started a debate about the issue of representation. Join the debate here and let the EU Decision Makers know why it is so important to have true representation. 


True European democracy only works if it really represents all of its citizens.  

Do you need help with your arguments?

We have summarized some of the most important arguments with facts & figures for you. This can inspire you in writing your own comment under our topic. Take a look at them here.

At our last conference our speakers discussed the effects a lack of proper representation in policy making can have on society. Maybe their speeches can help you with your comment as well:

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EU for Trisomy 21 reacts to ECHR verdict on the “Dear Future Mom” Video

In March 2014, the “Dear Future Mom” campaign video, supported by seven European associations, was broadcast all over the world for World Down Syndrome Day. Dear...

EU for Trisomy 21 statement on Ukraine conflict

Brussels, 26.February 2022 - EU for Trisomy 21 stands in solidarity with the people of Ukraine, with the grief, sadness, and devastation of every victim of this conflict. In any...

International day of the rights of people with disabilities

On the 3rd of December 2021, International Day Of The Rights Of People With Disabilities, EU for Trisomy 21 celebrated the rights of people with Down Syndrome. During this important...

About Eufortrisomy21.eu

A platform for the collaboration of associations, citizens and politicians working together for the celebration of World Down syndrome Day, to make visible the intellectual disability in general and persons with trisomy 21 in particular (most common intellectual disability of genetic origin, also called Down syndrome).

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