International day of the rights of people with disabilities
03 December 2021

On the 3rd of December 2021, International Day Of The Rights Of People With Disabilities, EU for Trisomy 21 celebrated the rights of people with Down Syndrome. During this important date, members of the European Parliament asked some political questions to people with Down Syndrome from around Europe.
With this campaign, we are empowering people with Trisomy 21 to raise their voice and speak about their political opinions on different topics. People with Trisomy 21 are citizens with full democratic rights and as such their insight not only matters but is vital for a full civil society discourse that the European Parliament should listen to them. The democratic institutions are not yet ready to listen to people with Trisomy 21, but they should start working to adapt, so every European citizen can participate in the European democracy.
Different topics were treated by people with Down Syndrome:
- Discrimination:
- Anna stands for the rights of people with Down syndrome, as any human being people with Down syndrome should have the same rights:
- Catherina tells us about the different myths and the discrimination that are happening everyday:
- Nathalie thinks that the prenatal testing is a discrimination for people with Down syndrome:
- Employment:
- Basia likes her job painting handmade bags and would like more people to have such a possibility:
- Mihai works in a coffee shop and would like to have more people with down syndrome integrated in the employment market:
- Visibility:
- Caterina Moretti speaks about the disinformation and prejudices that exist about people with Down syndrome:
- Autonomy
- Mihai explains how his everyday life goes and how he likes his job, his girlfriend, and his hobbies:
- Basia tells us about her normal everyday life:
Thank you to Radka Maxova, Brando Benifei, Dragos Pislaru, Katrin Langensiepen and Rosa Estaras Ferragut, members of the European Parliament that supported our campaign in favour of the visibility of people with Down Syndrome on this important international day of the rights of people with disabilities.