O projekte
Za posledné dva roky EU for Trisomy 21 pracuje na organizovaní série online a osobných podujatí s cieľom objasniť základné prvky našej misie, ktorá pozostáva zo zvyšovania povedomia a zastávania práv ľudí s #Trisomy21 v Európe a mimo nej.
Budúcnosť je naša was an EU sponsored project consisting of three online and one in-Person event between September 2022 and July 2023. With the EU elections coming up in 2024, and many people with Down Syndrome being allowed to vote in them for the first time, we wanted to take our time to highlight the four goals of EU for Trisomy 21: Autonómia, Viditeľnosť, Zdravie a Rovnaké zaobchádzanie.
One event at a time, EU for Trisomy 21 made sure our EU wide Network is prepared for the upcoming elections - and even more important that the decision makers are prepared for us! We gave the floor to field experts, parents and decision makers, and most importantly to Self Advocates: People with Down Syndrome to shared their own stories and experiences. Through our events, our participants had the chance to meet, discuss and come up with concrete solutions in favour of making this world a better place for people with Down Syndrome.
Informácie o Eufortrisomy21.eu
Platforma pre spoluprácu združení, občanov a politikov pracujúcich spoločne pri príležitosti osláv Svetového dňa Downovho syndrómu, aby sa zviditeľnilo intelektuálne postihnutie všeobecne a najmä osoby s trizómiou 21 (najčastejšie intelektuálne postihnutie genetického pôvodu, nazývané tiež Downov syndróm) ).