The Future is Ours

Join our EU sponsored online and in-Person sponsored events on AutonomyVisibilityHealth and Equal Treatment.

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EN Co-Funded by the EU_POS

About the Project

The European Union for Trisomy 21

called EU for Trisomy 21 for short

has partners all over Europe.


These partners are local organisations

and organisations started by parents.

These organisations want to work together

to make the lives of people with Down Syndrome easier.

EU for Trisomy 21 organises events

online and in person.

These events help raise the attention and

people to stand up for their rights in Europe.


EU for Trisomy 21 has a project called ‘The Future is Ours’.

‘The Future is Ours’ is a project consisting of three on-line

and one in-person event between now and July 2023.


Members of the European Parliament

adopted a new EU Electoral Law  in May 2022.

This new law says that:

every citizen in the European Union

who is 16 years and older

can vote for the elections

of the European Parliament.

This new law includes

people with intellectual disabilities.


This new law is good news.

Many countries in the European Union did not allow

people with intellectual disabilities to vote.

Now everyone can vote and take part in the elections.

The European Union still has a lot of work to do.

The European Union needs to have information in easy-to-read.

The European Union needs to make voting accessible.

So that everyone with an intellectual disability

can vote in the 2024 elections.


Many people with Down Syndrome

will vote for the first time.

EU for Trisomy 21 wants to make sure that

people with Down Syndrome are prepared

for the elections in 2024.

The European Union and the elections

need to be accessible to people with Down Syndrome.


EU for Trisomy 21 has 4 goals:

- Autonomy, to be independent and make decisions

- Visibility, be seen and heard

- Health, good doctors and support

- Equal Treatment, respect


We will hear from a lot of different people:

- Experts

- Parents

- People who make decisions

- Self-Advocates,

- People with Down Syndrome


Participants will have the chance to meet,

talk and find better ideas

to make the world a better place for

people with Down Syndrome.



A platform for the collaboration of associations, citizens and politicians working together for the celebration of World Down syndrome Day, to make visible the intellectual disability in general and persons with trisomy 21 in particular (most common intellectual disability of genetic origin, also called Down syndrome).

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